Legislative Committees & Subcommittees
For information on Committee Members & Staff, simply point and click on the Committee name. This will link you to the selected standing Committee's main page.
This page is being provided by the Secretary to the Cook County Board
Administration Committee is a standing committee comprised of five commissioners. The committee works with the Secretary to the Board to ensure that necessary services are provided to the members of the Board of Commissioners including recommendations for the board’s annual budget appropriations.
Audit Committee is a standing committee comprised of five commissioners and two ex officio members, the County Auditor and Chief Financial Officer. The committee reviews management audit reports prepared by the County Auditor and external auditors on all county departments and the independently elected officials offices.
Business & Economic Development Committee is a standing committee comprised of seven commissioners. The committee reviews issues involving economic development and public/private partnerships so as to promote the creation of jobs and investment in Cook County.
Construction Committee is a standing committee comprised of seven commissioners and is responsible for reviewing all capital improvement projects, change orders, intergovernmental agreements as to the transfer of funds to capital projects and construction claims.
Contract Compliance Committee is a standing committee comprised of five commissioners and is responsible for monitoring the county’s MBE/WBE Ordinance.
Education Committee is a standing committee comprised of seven commissioners and reviews issues relating to the education of county residents.
Environmental Control Committee is a standing committee comprised of seven commissioners and is responsible for reviewing matters that relate to the inspection, assessment and enforcement of air quality and other environmental matters in suburban Cook County.
Finance Committee is a standing committee of the whole where all seventeen commissioners are members. The committee is a legislative body of the Cook County Board that is responsible for reviewing all financial matters and has jurisdiction over all personnel, tax, revenue, bond and financing matters. It considers items such as attorney fees for all court, capital & non-capital cases; bills and claims of vendors; worker's compensation and risk management claims; and all other claims against the County of Cook. It also considers miscellaneous items such as fees and licenses, as well as substantive matters such as ordinances and resolutions submitted by County Commissioners, Elected Officials, various County Bureaus and departments, and the Office of the President.
Industrial Claims Committee is a subcommittee of the Finance Committee and is comprised of five commissioners. The committee is responsible for reviewing recommendations of the Illinois Industrial Commission regarding medical claims made by county employees. Meetings are held in executive session because of the confidential nature of the matters referred to the subcommittee.
Labor Committee is a subcommittee of the Finance Committee and is comprised of seven commissioners. The committee is responsible for all labor matters involving the county
Litigation Committee is a subcommittee of the Finance Committee and is comprised of seven commissioners. The subcommittee is responsible for reviewing all litigation matters involving the county.
Real Estate Committee is a subcommittee of the Finance Committee and is comprised of seven commissioners. The subcommittee is responsible for reviewing all lease agreements, licenses and real estate acquisitions and dispositions.
Tax Delinquency Committee is a subcommittee of the Finance Committee and is comprised of seven commissioners. The subcommittee is responsible for reviewing all requests for No Cash Bid status from municipalities and other not-for-profit agencies and organizations as recommended by the county’s Department of Planning and Development.
Tax & Revenue Committee is a subcommittee of the Finance Committee and is comprised of five commissioners. The subcommittee is responsible for reviewing various tax issues.
Health and Hospitals Committee is a standing committee of the whole and is comprised of all seventeen commissioners. The committee is responsible for reviewing all matters that relate to the quality and availability of health care services for county residents as recommended by the Bureau of Health Services. The Bureau is organized as a health system, providing a range of health services from prevention and primary care to emergency, inpatient and long-term care. These services are provided through a countywide network of three hospitals, a public health department and 15 health centers.
Stroger & Cermak Hospitals Committee is a subcommittee of the Health & Hospitals Committee and is comprised of seven commissioners. The subcommittee is responsible for reviewing matters referred to it by the Cook County Board or the Health & Hospitals Committee that relate to Stroger Hospital or Cermak Hospital. Stroger Hospital of Cook County, located on Chicago’s west side in the Illinois Medical District, is a major acute care and teaching facility, internationally recognized for its many centers of excellence. Cermak Health Services is the largest public health facility in Chicago, serving the detainees at Cook County Jail.
Oak Forest Hospital Committee is a subcommittee of the Health & Hospitals Committee and is comprised of seven commissioners. The subcommittee is responsible for reviewing matters referred to it by the Cook County Board or the Health & Hospitals Committee that relate to Oak Forest Hospital. Oak Forest Hospital of Cook County, located in Oak Forest on the southwest side of Cook County, provides patient care at several levels, including acute, comprehensive, rehabilitation, sub-acute, long-term skilled nursing, long-term and intermediate supportive care, and ambulatory/outpatient care.
Provident Hospital Committee is a subcommittee of the Health & Hospitals Committee and is comprised of seven commissioners. The subcommittee is responsible for reviewing matters referred to it by the Cook County Board or the Health & Hospitals Committee that relate to Provident Hospital. Provident Hospital of Cook County, located on Chicago’s south side, is a state-of-the-art primary and teaching facility, known for its comprehensive emergency room and modern birthing suites.
Public Health Committee is a subcommittee of the Health & Hospitals Committee and is comprised of seven commissioners. The subcommittee is responsible for reviewing matters referred to it by the Cook County Board or the Health & Hospitals Committee that relate to the Cook County Department of Public Health. The Cook County Department of Public Health is a nationally recognized health department protecting and promoting the health of the more than two million residents of suburban Cook County.
Human Relations Committee is a standing committee and is comprised of five commissioners. The committee is responsible for reviewing ethics and human rights issues affecting county employees.
Information Technology & Automation Committee is a standing committee and is comprised of seven commissioners. The committee is responsible for reviewing requests for computer hardware, software and systems as requested by various county departments, agencies and elected officials. The committee is working closely with the Chief Information Officer in the establishment, implementation and monitoring of a county-wide systems plan.
Law Enforcement & Corrections Committee is a standing committee comprised of seven commissioners. The committee reviews matters that relate to public safety, criminal justice and the county corrections facilities.
Family Court & Juvenile Detention Center Committee is a subcommittee of the Law Enforcement & Corrections Committee and is comprised of seven commissioners. The subcommittee reviews matters that relate to family court and juvenile detention referred to it by the County Board or the Law Enforcement & Corrections Committee.
Department of Corrections Committee is a subcommittee of the Law Enforcement & Corrections Committee and is comprised of five commissioners. The subcommittee is responsible for reviewing matters that relate to the county’s Department of Corrections referred to it by the County Board or the Law Enforcement & Corrections Committee.
Legislation & Intergovernmental Relations Committee is a standing committee comprised of nine commissioners and is responsible for reviewing and recommending positions on state and federal legislation impacting Cook County. The committee also reviews appointments to the county’s boards and commissions.
Roads and Bridges Committee is a standing committee of the whole that is comprised of all seventeen commissioners. The committee reviews all matters that involving the design and construction of all county highways. The committee also reviews matters involving the maintenance of county highways, purchase of equipment and operation of the county’s five maintenance facilities.
Rules Committee is a standing committee comprised of seven commissioners and is responsible for the County Board’s rules of organization and related matters.
Veterans Committee is a standing committee comprised of five commissioners. The committee deals with issues relating to the statutory benefits and services provided to veterans and their families, including recommendations for County ordinances to assist veterans working for the Cook County government and living in the County of Cook.
Zoning & Building Committee is a standing committee of the whole and is comprised of all seventeen commissioners. The committee is responsible for reviewing all requests for zoning variances within the unincorporated areas of Cook County and monitoring the development of a comprehensive zoning ordinance.
Building Committee is a subcommittee of the Zoning & Building Committee and is comprised of five commissioners. The subcommittee is responsible for items related to building in unincorporated Cook County and referred to it by the County Board or the Zoning and Building Committee.
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1999-2002 Secretary to the Cook County
Board of Commissioners, Cook County,
Illinois. |